The Fantasy of Reality

Nicole Fafard (Nicaloha)

Sea of LightThis novel is an overview of a journey that originates in the universe of the stars where magic lives and all is oneness.  All of creation descends into a world of duality and confusion,  into the illusion of individual truth.  Two golden dolphins carrying Original Memory, incarnate as children to heal and restore balance to the lineage of humanity.  They journey into the time warp and through all civilizations where they experience the initiation of the Rainbow Rays.  Their innocent hearts and pure intentions guide them to fulfill their mission and magically transforming creation into a powerful new beginning.
Nicole FafardNicole Fafard lived in Mt-Shasta, Australia and Hawaii for many years where she has enjoy a profound relationship with the ceteceans and with nature. She is a visionary artist,an herborist/naturopath, a healer, a mandala painter.  She is the co-founder of TerraVie, a community land trust for ecological preservation and dedicated to the creation of ecovillages.This fantasmagoric story is inspired by the stars, by her love of the sea, by ancestral guidance…

100 pages
22 cm x 28,5 cm (8,5” x 11” ) = 35 $ + shipping
10% goes for TerraVie
To order, send your name and address
or by phone : 450 432-8557

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